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Writer's picture: Theresa WoodsTheresa Woods

Updated: May 2, 2024

A Queen's mental well-being is very important. Fight hard to stay afloat, get help, and let the healing begin with my anti-depression suggestions.


What does depression feel like? Depression feels like you're sinking in quicksand, no more like drowning. Yeah, that's better, it feels like drowning; why, because no matter how hard you swim to save your life, you can't because your arms are tired and the currents keep pulling you in. The shore is right there and you can see it, and everyone you love is screaming out, you can make it! Keep swimming, but you don't, instead; you drown. You simply give up and drown. Depression sucks, it makes you cry, it makes you sad, and it fills your mind with worry and hopelessness. Thoughts of suicide become real when depression takes over your ability and will to live.

Picture of a depressed woman

What does depression look like? Does it look like that woman lying in the bed in the picture below? How do you know if you or your loved one is depressed? This is how. When you can't get out of bed, and you're canceling plans and missing days from work just to lay in bed. Your house is a mess, everything is in chaos in your life, or maybe you're hanging out and binge drinking, getting drunk to oblivion. When your body aches, you can't focus and can't eat or overeat. When you have many sleepless nights and worry about everything. Anxiety kicks into overdrive, and you cry at the drop of a hat. You think the world is against you, and you feel like a loser. You hate yourself and you feel unloved. You look in the mirror and think you're the ugliest person in the world, but through it all, you still show up for work while taking care of the kids and your partner.

Instead of making yourself happy, you make everyone else happy, and instead of taking care of yourself, you take care of everyone else. You wear a smile on your face in public, but inside you're dying. This is the hallmark card of depression. Depression comes from so many things in life. To name a few, PTSD/Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, situational depression, and chemical imbalance. You can have everything in the world, be the best-looking person on the block, and have a wonderful family and friends who treat you like a Queen. However, none of that matters, because depression constantly keeps your mind repeating negative thoughts.

Negative thoughts can get louder, louder, and unbearable. You may say people with depression are crazy, well they're not. They're mentally ill and need help and a cure. They can get help, but a cure, there might not be one. Medication, therapy, meditation, and prayer are all great remedies until they no longer work. Bouts of depression are just that, they come and go and are brought on by triggers. Loved ones walk on pins and needles because they want to treat them the same as others but with kit gloves on. Is it hard to care for someone who's mentally ill? Yes, it can be. They have working parts, they're smart but broken and unpredictable, and they can be scary at times. You don't know if they'll hurt you, others, or themselves.

Some mentally ill people are cutter's and suicidal. A cutter is someone who cuts certain parts of their body to redirect the pain they feel in their head and heart. Someone who is suicidal takes their own life or makes attempts to. In some cases, they take others with them. Sad but true. I have suffered from depression most of my life, and I've even made attempts to end my life. So I ask you again, what does depression look like? It looks like me or the person sitting next to you. You never know who's fighting a never-ending battle in their head. Never judge a book by its cover. Never judge anyone who suffers from depression, instead get them help, support and love them, and appreciate their existence. Depressed lives matter!

Suicide by drowning

Believe In Yourself Because The Best Gift Is You!

A woman pushing a stroller

God is the best gift to our world, and our parents are the best gift to us, and you are the best gift to your parents, and to the world. When I say parents, I mean your caregivers who love, nurture, and provide for you. The ones you look up to and the ones you love the most. No matter what you are going through, you are the best gift to them, and it would break their heart to see you broken and unhappy. It would hurt them to know that you think you don't matter when you do.

Life is hard, I know, and some people have no one to love them. I want you to know today, above all else, that your Father in heaven loves you, he created you in his image, and he watches you, comforts you, and protects you. You just have to be open to the process and believe and receive it. Your mind is a beautiful thing to waste, your beautiful mind and your beautiful self have so much to offer the world. Hang in there my beloved, soon you will see that you matter, and you are God's gift to the world! You are a Queen, and no matter what, show up as your highest self and believe and receive that! Be well with my anti-depression suggestions!

A picture of a depressed woman


Help is available. Contact your local therapist, minister, or someone you can trust. There are available resources online or speak with a counselor today at The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or visit


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