Eleanor Davis
Mary Ann Neely

Eleanor Davis
I always knew it was coming. Most of the women in my family, as far as I can remember, from my great-grandmother to my grandmother, my mother, and aunts, were diagnosed with breast cancer and passed away during their fight! My diagnosis was at the age of 50. By accident, I hurt my shoulder at work, so my Dr. ordered me an X-ray. That's when she realized I hadn't had a mammogram, so she suggested I do both while I was there. My results showed a mass, and I had to go back for further testing. That's when my Dr. informed me that the mass was cancer.
I Am A Fighter!
I knew right away that it wasn't going to be a death sentence for me. My faith in God has always been strong, and since he brought me through it, I knew he would see me through it.

It's a New Day, It's a New Dawn, and a New life and I'm Feeling Good!
At this point in my life, I changed my way of eating, and I work out daily. On my social media, I started a blog post with videos on vegan and vegetarian meals called Live, Love, and Laugh, Spiritual Food for your Mind, Body, and Soul. God's Mercy and Grace have kept me! I’m not only a breast cancer survivor, I'm a warrior!

God and Prayer Brought Me Through
In June 1992, at 47 years, I was diagnosed with right breast cancer, and after careful study of my case, it was decided by an oncology team of physicians that I would be given several weeks of radiation treatments. One of the many symptoms is extreme fatigue. However, I was able to tolerate it and continued working without any side effects. In June 1993, breast cancer recurred, and I was devastated. The anxiety and fear of the unknown were very apparent to my husband and I. So, there we were again facing the same crisis, only more intense. This time around, I had to undergo a right breast mastectomy with reconstruction, which involved several tests, MRIs, X-rays, and Acupuncture, which pinpointed the exact location of the cancer, along with five hours of surgery, and finally chemotherapy. To add, the radiation treatment had burned my breast so badly at the surgery site, that it wasn't healing properly. So on top of everything else I had done, they scheduled me to have skin graft surgery. The skin they took from another part of my body was used to repair the burned area.
Several weeks later, I started chemotherapy treatments because my veins were so small. There was a port inserted into the left side of my shoulder, and the scar is still there today. My husband calls them my battle scars. Battle scars, yes there were. As you can imagine, I became very, very ill, and suffered many severe side effects, along with an open wound that needed to be washed with a Saline solution twice daily, extreme nausea, loss of hair on every part of my body, darkening of my skin, weight and appetite loss, also an acute sense of smell. I can’t explain it, but I have developed a nervous agitation to this day. But God and prayer brought me through. I have now been healed of cancer for over 27 years. I give all the Glory and Honor to God. I thank my beloved husband and children, as well as Eternal Life Christian Center, my faithful pastor, and special friends, for all the prayers that went up for me.